Chat opened up the flood gates for AI, but it is far from the future. LLMs today are probabilistic, they return different responses depending on the time of day. While fun to work with, that (alongside cost and latency) are the main points of friction for widespread adoption. The future of AI is one in which domain-specific models work together to achieve a larger task. The future is AI embedded within our existing knobs and levers.

NUX is a developer platform that enables users of any technical aptitude to experiment with chains of the latest and greatest ML models, vector DBs and coding libraries in a single platform then quickly deploy to production.

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We’re in the heart of New York City 🗽 and bring together a diverse multi-disciplinary team to build the future of AI 🧠

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<aside> 📩 Reach out to [email protected] if you’re excited about working at NUX AI, even if you don’t see a relevant job opening, and explain how you can create exceptional impact.
